
Makerere University Centre for Health and Population Research (MUCHAP) is the parent organization of IMHDSS. MUCHAP is a corporate organ of Makerere University aimed at strengthening the platform for institutional research and research training with the vision to become a Centre of excellence in conducting multidisciplinary policy relevant research and research training. The mission is to promote the wellbeing of the Ugandan population through generation and provision of high quality population based demographic, health and socio information to decision makers and researchers.

The core values of MUCHAP-IMHDSS are

  1. to conduct high quality ethical research and training,
  2. integrity,
  3. transparency and accountability,
  4. confidentiality,
  5. sensitivity to community values and needs and
  6. timely decision making and action.

MUCHAP-IMHDSS is based on the following aims and objectives:

  1. To register and monitor health and demographic dynamics in the catchment population (births, deaths and migrations) while creating an environment for several community-based projects for single or multi-disciplinary research.
  2. To provide a platform for training in applied field research and practical health, agro-social economic and demographic survey methods to students, staff of academic institutions, as well as other researchers within and outside Uganda.
  3. To provide a platform for trials that can test and measure the efficacy/ effectiveness of population level interventions.
  4. To provide essential household level information tailored for policy, planning and research needs.
  5. To continuously engage policy makers so as to get guidance on research evidence needs by policy makers, and to maximize utilization of research findings at the center.

Makerere University Centre for Health and Population Research (MUCHAP) has been in operation for the last 10 years carrying out the activities outlined above. In order to realize its vision, it has been deemed necessary to develop a strategic plan 2017 – 2022, and is seeking a consultant to facilitate the process.

Makerere University Centre for Health and Population Research (MUCHAP) requires a clear and well developed strategy with well defined strategic priorities. This strategy must be supported by sound internal support mechanisms that can enable effective implementation. In addition, the strategy must be effectively cascaded and linked to the functions of all departments, sections and 2 individual staff, who will all identify with and make relevant contributions towards its achievement. Similarly, the strategy must be linked with a system for performance measurement at all levels, so that progress and achievements can be determined at any one time.


The ToRs for this assignment are spelt out below:

  1. Study of the existing documents including the performance reports for the previous period to review its performance relative to set objectives
  2. Review of relevant policy documents within MUCHAP and others deemed relevant
  3. Design a programme for the strategic planning workshop
  4. Facilitate the strategic planning workshop and process
  5. Prepare a Strategic Plan for MUCHAP

3.0. Deliverables

The main deliverables of this assignment are:

  1. A draft strategic plan
  2. Final strategic plan with comments incorporated form key stakeholders

4.0. Duration

It is envisaged that this assignment should be completed within two months after commencement in the month of January 2017.

5.0. Deadline

Proposals should be submitted to not later than Wednesday 25th January, 2017.