MUCHAP-IMHDSS is governed by a Board of 14 Directors and it is the supreme policy making body of the organization with majority representation from Makerere University. Other representatives are from Ministry of Health (MOH), Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), International researchers and host districts of Iganga/Mayuge.
Board Members

Prof. James Tumwine Board Chair
(Makerere University)

Dr. Dan KajunguSecretary

Prof. Charles Ibingira(Makerere University)

Prof. Edward Kirumira(Makerere University)

Assoc. Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze(Makerere University)

Assoc. Prof. Ernest Okello Ogwang(Makerere University)

Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi(Makerere University)

Mr. Goddy Muhanguzi Muhumuza(Makerere University)

Prof. Celestino Obua(Mbarara University)

Mr. Joseph Maira Mukasa(C.A.O - Iganga District)

Mr. James Muwonge(UBOS)

Dr. Jesca Sabiiti Nsungwa(MOH)

Dr. Mohammadi Lubega(Busoga University)

Assoc. Prof. Claudia Hanson(Karolinska Institute)
Finance and Administration Committee

Mr. Joseph Maira Mukasa(Chair)

Prof. James Tumwine

Prof. Edward Kirumira

Assoc. Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze

Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi

Mr. Goddy Muhanguzi Muhumuza

Dr. Mohammadi Lubega
Research And Grants Committee

Prof. James Tumwine

Prof. Charles Ibingira

Prof. Edward Kirumira

Mr. Goddy Muhanguzi Muhumuza

Dr. Mohammadi Lubega

Assoc. Prof. Claudia Hanson

Prof. Fred Wabwire-Mangen
Quality Control Assurance Committee

Dr. Jesca Sabiiti NsungwaChair

Assoc. Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze

Assoc. Prof. Ernest Okello Ogwang

Prof. Celestino Obua

Mr. Joseph M. Mukasa

Mr. James Muwonge

Prof. Fred Wabwire-Mangen
Briefs of BOD
Prof. Edward Kirumira: Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Makerere University and a Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology at Makerere University.
Mr. Goddy Muhanguzi Muhumuza: Senior Legal Officer of Makerere University.
Prof. Charles Ibingira: Principal, Makerere University College of Health Sciences and a Professor of anatomy.
Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi: Director of Research and Graduate Training, Makerere University and a Professor of Forestry Resource Economics.
Assoc. Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze: Dean School of Public Health, Makerere University. She has over 20 years’ experience in health service delivery including clinical experience, research, teaching, program management, and policy development.
Assoc. Prof. Ernest Okello Ogwang: First Deputy Vice Chancellor, Makerere University in charge of academic affairs.
Mr. Joseph Maira Mukasa: Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Iganga District Local Government.
Prof. James Tumwine: Board Chair of MUCHAP. He is a Professor of Pediatric and Child Health at Makerere University College of Health Sciences.
Dr. Dan Kajungu: Board Secretary and Executive Director of MUCHAP.
Dr. Jesca Nsungwa-Sabiiti: Senior Pediatrician and Commissioner Child Health department, Ministry of Health
Mr. James Muwonge: Head of surveys at Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS).
Dr. Mohammadi Lubega: Second Deputy Prime Minister, Busoga Kingdom
Prof. Celestino Obua: Vice Chancellor, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST)
Assoc. Prof. Claudia Hanson: Project Coordinator at the Department of Public Health Sciences in Karolinska Institutet partly together or linked to London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine-UK, in Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique and India. Also a member of the Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health Committee of the International Federation of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (FIGO)